Thursday 27 May 2010

I'm Independant!

Gosh I have amazed myself by doing something right away and not leaving it until it becomes that dark niggle that follows you tapping you on the shoulder for your attention. Always there, but left unattended and sometimes growing out of all proportion to become a hideous gigantic shadow of it's real self that distorts a simple action into something dreaded.

Tonight I passed a very pleasant and productive evening with fellow members of our networking group With These Hands. Among the various things discussed (around a table laden with all sorts of delicious goodies we had contributed) was the forthcoming Independents Biennial which is the Independent strand of the Liverpool Biennial Festival of Contemporary Visual Art. Exciting plans afoot can't wait to be able to post more but hushhhh for now. Anyway discussions about registering as a group or individuals went around the table. I have made my commitment to taking part in one way or another (or maybe several?) by registering as soon as I got home as an individual. As soon as I write one of those horrid biog things for my profile I will be there on the website for all to see.

Monday 24 May 2010

Light Night at the Bluecoat

A week or so ago I made my maiden appearance at a Contemporary Craft and Art Fair in the courtyard of the elegant Bluecoat Arts Centre in Liverpool. These are usually held on the last Saturday of the month, but this was run on Light Night (galleries, museums, shops and more staying up long past their usual bed time) and had a good vibe. Rain might have dampened things a little but didn't stop play. I'll be there again this Saturday and hope that higher light levels and fine weather bring more sales.

Two days later on Bank Holiday Monday I will be at Coronation Gardens West Kirby (on the Wirral). This is a new venture for all involved and looks to be an exciting event. A wide variety of art and photography will be hung in alcoves i the walls of the gardens. Along with others I will be taking a table for yet more goodies, in my case my hand bound books. The Sunset Lounge Cafe will be serving drinks and snacks. I have an image of people wandering in the sunshine, ice creams in hand as they peruse the artwork, so much better than at the Tate!